Thursday, April 9, 2015

My Easter holidays

Hello dear readers! I really hope you had some nice Easter holidays. Mine were very very cool, so I am very glad to tell what I did.
First of all, the last day of March, I went with two friendly exchange students to visit Odense, the city where H.C. Andersen was born. Who does not him; he is the popular writer who wrote stories for children like The Ugly Duckling or The Little Mermaid.
So we visited his house and was very interesting in my opinion. I really liked the big room that was built for his memorial. It was very particular.

Then, we went to the main street of the city where there were many people and shops, visited the cathedral where Andersen’s parents got married and the author himself got confirmed. And to finish this nice trip we did a walk through the colorful houses of the old part of the city.
This was only a part of my holidays. Then I went with my host Danish family in a cozy summerhouse near by the west coast. The place where we slept is called Vigsø and it is a place full of other summerhouses, and there is a huge beach with many bunkers. Why bunkers? Because this part of Denmark was occupied by Germans during the 2nd World War.
 Another day we visited a museum in Hastholm where it was possible to visit the bunkers of the cannons. It was a little bit creepy to go underground and see the rooms where the soldiers slept.

 And another thing we did which impressed me a lot was the Thylejren (Thy Camp), a free city where everybody can smoke weed or other light drugs. It is like a sort of Christiania in Copenhagen (I will visit it in May!). It is a community with a hippie ideal, an alternative society in the Danish society.

 I hope you liked my post. And you how were your Easter holidays! Tell it comment it :D 

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