Hello everybody, it’s me, Phil and welcome to my world (blog).
In Japanese, I would say 久しぶり(hisashiburi) which means ”long time” that I don’t post here on my blog. It is actually more than one month since I have arrived here in Japan, but why did I not write about anything? I mean, there is a lot to say about Japan.
The reasons why I did not use yet my blog website are many. First of all, because I do not have enough time. Secondly because the first weeks it was really a huge cultural shock. I think I am getting used to the Japanese life style only now. Anyway, I do not to focus why I did not post because now I am actually doing it! YASSS!
I do not know how to start because there are so many things I would like to say. As I mentioned before, initially it was just a little bit weird to be here in Japan because I dreamt so much about this country that probably I had some kind of idyllic image. Therefore, since I always had the idea of Japan stuck on my mind, when I arrived here it seemed to be all “fake”. I was wondering, “why I am here?”, “is it even real?”, “am I still dreaming?”.
Some weeks passed, I met so many people during this period, both Japanese and from many different countries around the world. I took so many pictures, actually more than 1,200! I still have a lot to learn about the Japanese culture and the Japanese culture itself, but right now I feel very motivated and every day I want to give my best before going to sleep at night. I can’t wait for many other new experiences in the following months in this amazing land!
I promise nothing. I usually have a personal diary where I write down everything my mind thinks. However, since I arrived in Japan I am writing nothing and only taking tons of pics. So I will try to keep active weekly my blog, and if I manage it maybe I could write also some posts directly in Japanese so I can both improve my Japanese and let Japanese people know about my opinions.
Hope you enjoyed this little post, and if there is something you want me to talk about in the next post, just comment below.
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